How to remove blog post count from Labels in Blogger

Few days back, one of our readers dropped us a mail asking how to remove post count from label in blogger. Though we have already given him the solution, thought to share with our other readers as well. 
Blogger’s Label widget is very good alternative of sitemap, you could categorize and display all your posts using Label. To display all labels, you just need to add Label widget in blogger. But by default Blogger displays post count with label name. Look at the below screenshot, SIEBEL is a label name and it has 20 posts, same way for discussion forum, 17 posts. 
blog post count from Labels -
Many blog writers do not want to display post count with labels. Here we will see how to remove blog post count from Labels in BloggerIt is a real quick task, neither you have to modify template nor any script. Follow below steps to remove post count from Labels.
Step 1: Go to Blogger dashboard and click on 'Layout' option
Step 2: If you already have Label widget added in your Blogger layout, then click on 'Edit' button (bottom, right hand corner of Label widget rectangular box), else click on 'Add a Gadget' to add Label widget
remove blog post count from Labels -
Step 3: On 'Configure Labels' pop-up window, just uncheck the parameter 'Show number of posts per label'. By default, Blogger marks it TRUE and displays post count on Label widget.

show number of post per label -

Step 4: Now save the 'Configure Labels' popup window and then click on 'Save arrangement' to save

Blogger layout.

That's all, just refresh your blog or website and post count should not appear anymore. If you want to bring back, then again open the 'Configure Label' popup window and mark the check box 'Show number of posts per label'.

If you have any doubt or question, please write us. For more updates on recent activities, follow 'BlogTlog' on Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn or join our website as follower.

To know more, watch our YouTube video on how to remove blog post count from Labels in Blogger:

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